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Hello beautiful woman. My name is Lou and I’d love to tell you a little about me. I think of myself as intuitive, inspired and ever curious. I would self classify as an extroverted introvert and my favourite thing to do is read a good non-fiction book on the beach, feeling the earth beneath me. I’m a Virgo sun, Cancer moon and Scorpio rising.  I love travel and adventure, good food, retreats and saying YES to life in general. On my ideal day, you will find me on the beach, close to a jungle. The ocean has always been a healing place for me. I come from the beautiful South West of Western Australia and even though I live a city life at the moment, nature has always been my refuge.



While I would call my childhood idyllic and protected in many ways, one thing I know for sure is that life throws us curve balls that we have no control over. When I was 12 years old I was witness to a tragedy in our little town that took 9 lives, 3 of those my classmates. As with most trauma, there was fallout a few years later that changed my life forever.  Now I understand more about my extra sensitivity (HSP) it makes sense to me that I was extremely affected. I lived though a true Dark Night of the Soul. Untreated trauma became an eating disorder, which evolved into a deep, dark depression that lasted many years, into my 20’s. I did at times not want to be alive. I tried to numb myself in different ways with different substances. It didn’t work.


At that time of my life I feel like I really touched the void, walked to the edge of my existence, looked over the edge, and came back from that scary place.


I made a choice many years ago to choose a healing path and do whatever it took to enjoy my life and not waste this precious existence. That choice led me to yoga, took me to places like India, Bali and Thailand on the search for modalities that would heal what felt like a badly broken heart and spiritual dislocation

In 2014 after listening to what I experienced as a literal message from the universe in Rishikesh, India, I made the decision to move to Melbourne, an unfamiliar city where I only knew one person. I got home from India, packed my car with all my belongings and drove across the Nullarbor powered by the sound and vibration of manta on CD’s that I had purchased in an Indian market. I chanted my heart out. I was driving toward a new life and I knew it.





In 2015 I completed my first yoga teacher-training program and began to teach straight away. I loved it! Teaching has been a huge part of my creation of a life that supports my soul. As I teach I feel it healing me, always. A few years ago I experienced one-on-one coaching from a woman I admire very much and this is where big shifts happened and my healing accelerated. I knew what I was here to do! My relationships improved - it was an internal shift creating external change. I am in awe of my life now. I know anything is possible and I’m here to hold space for others. For better or worse I have been gifted some wild life experience and I’m going to put it to good use. In 2022 I studied life coaching with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy (BYCA) and can now proudly add qualified coach to my resume






  • BA (history and politics) from UWA

  • Post graduate certificate in high school teaching (UWA)

  • Master of social work (paused) Monash university 

  • 200 YTT Power Living (2015)

  • 350 YTT Australian Yoga Academy

  • Yin trainings 25 & 50 hour 

  • Life Coaching Qualification (BYCA)

  • LIFE

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